API Docs for: 0.0.2

File: Framework\Matrix.js

 * AtlantisEngine.js a lightweight JavaScript game engine.
 * @module Atlantis
 * @submodule Framework
 * @namespace Atlantis

var Atlantis = window.Atlantis || {};

* Create a matrix. Parameter can be a matrix, an array of 16 floats or nothing (all fields case are sets to 0).
* @class Matrix
* @constructor
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix|Array} 
Atlantis.Matrix = function (values) {
    if (values instanceof Atlantis.Matrix) {
        var values = values.toArray();
    else if (values instanceof Array && values.length == 16) {
    else {
        this.M11 = 0; this.M12 = 0; this.M13 = 0; this.M14 = 0;
        this.M21 = 0; this.M22 = 0; this.M23 = 0; this.M24 = 0;
        this.M31 = 0; this.M32 = 0; this.M33 = 0; this.M34 = 0;
        this.M41 = 0; this.M42 = 0; this.M43 = 0; this.M44 = 0;

* Set all values of the matrix.
* @method set
* @param {Array} values An array of 16 values who start at M11 and stop at M44
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.set = function (values) {
    if (values.length == 16) {
        this.M11 = values[0]; this.M12 = values[1]; this.M13 = values[2]; this.M14 = values[3];
        this.M21 = values[4]; this.M22 = values[5]; this.M23 = values[6]; this.M24 = values[7];
        this.M31 = values[8]; this.M32 = values[9]; this.M33 = values[10]; this.M34 = values[11];
        this.M41 = values[12]; this.M42 = values[13]; this.M43 = values[14]; this.M44 = values[15];

* Gets identity value for push it into matrix.
* @method getIdentityValues
* @return {Array} Return an array that correspond of identity matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getIdentityValues = function () {
    var values = [
        1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1
    return values;

 * Gets an array of values setted to 0.
 * @method getZeroValues
 * @return {Array} Return an array with 0.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getZeroValues = function () {
    var values = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    return values;

* Sets the matrix to identity.
* @method setIdentity
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setIdentity = function () {

* Gets an identity matrix.
* @method getMatrixIdentity
* @static
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return an identity matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.getMatrixIdentity = function () {
    var matrix = new Atlantis.Matrix();
    return matrix;

* Gets values of matrix in array. Start at M11 to M44.
* @method toArray
* @return {Array} An array of values.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.toArray = function () {
    var values = [];
    return values;

 * Sets the left of the matrix.
 * @method setLeft
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} vector A vector to use.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setLeft = function (vector) {
    this.M11 = -vector.x;
    this.M12 = -vector.y;
    this.M13 = -vector.z;

 * Gets the left of the matrix.
 * @method getLeft
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a the left vector of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getLeft = function () {
    var vector = new Atlantis.Vector3();
    vector.x = -this.M11;
    vector.y = -this.M12;
    vector.z = -this.M13;
    return vector;

 * Sets the right of the matrix.
 * @method setRight
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} vector
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setRight = function (vector) {
    this.M11 = vector.x;
    this.M12 = vector.y;
    this.M13 = vector.z;

 * Gets the right of the matrix.
 * @method getRight
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a the right vector of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getRight = function () {
    var vector = new Atlantis.Vector3();
    vector.x = this.M11;
    vector.y = this.M12;
    vector.z = this.M13;
    return vector;

 * Sets the up of the matrix.
 * @method setUp
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} vector
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setUp = function (vector) {
    this.M21 = vector.x;
    this.M22 = vector.y;
    this.M23 = vector.z;

 * Gets the up of the matrix.
 * @method getUp
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a the up vector of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getUp = function () {
    var vector = new Atlantis.Vector3();
    vector.x = this.M21;
    vector.y = this.M22;
    vector.z = this.M23;
    return vector;

 * Sets the down of the matrix.
 * @method setDown
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} vector
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setDown = function (vector) {
    this.M21 = -vector.x;
    this.M22 = -vector.y;
    this.M23 = -vector.z;

 * Gets the down of the matrix.
 * @method getDown
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a the down vector of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getDown = function () {
    var vector = new Atlantis.Vector3();
    vector.x = -this.M21;
    vector.y = -this.M22;
    vector.z = -this.M23;
    return vector;

 * Sets the backward of the matrix.
 * @method setBackward
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} vector
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setBackward = function (vector) {
    this.M31 = vector.x;
    this.M32 = vector.y;
    this.M33 = vector.z;

 * Gets the backward of the matrix.
 * @method getBackward
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a the backward vector of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getBackward = function () {
    var vector = new Atlantis.Vector3();
    vector.x = this.M31;
    vector.y = this.M32;
    vector.z = this.M33;
    return vector;

 * Sets the forward of the matrix.
 * @method setForward
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} vector
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setForward = function (vector) {
    this.M31 = -vector.x;
    this.M32 = -vector.y;
    this.M33 = -vector.z;

 * Gets the forward of the matrix.
 * @method getForward
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a the forward vector of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.getForward = function () {
    var vector = new Atlantis.Vector3();
    vector.x = -this.M31;
    vector.y = -this.M32;
    vector.z = -this.M33;
    return vector;

* Sets translation.
* @method setTranslation
* @param {Atlantis.Vetor3} position The position to set.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.setTranslation = function (position) {
    this.M41 = position.x;
    this.M42 = position.y;
    this.M43 = position.z;

* Add a matrix to this matrix.
* @method add
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matrix A matrix to add.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.add = function (matrix) {
    var mValues = this.toArray();
    var eValues = matrix.toArray();

    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        mValues[i] += eValues[i];

* Add two matrix.
* @method add
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matA A matrix
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matB Another matrix to add with the first
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a new matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.add = function (matA, matB) {
    var matrix = new Atlantis.Matrix(matA);
    return matrix;

* Create a rotation matrix on X axis.
* @method createRotationX
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Vector3} rotation An angle in radians
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a rotation matrix on X axis.
Atlantis.Matrix.createRotationX = function (rotation) {
    var matrix = getMatrixIdentity();
    var cos = Math.cos(rotation);
    var sin = Math.sin(rotation);

    matrix.M22 = cos;
    matrix.M23 = sin;
    matrix.M32 = -sin;
    matrix.M33 = cos;
    return matrix;

* Create a rotation matrix on Y axis.
* @method createRotationY
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Vector3} rotation An angle in radians
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a rotation matrix on Y axis.
Atlantis.Matrix.createRotationY = function (rotation) {
    var matrix = getMatrixIdentity();
    var cos = Math.cos(rotation);
    var sin = Math.sin(rotation);

    matrix.M11 = cos;
    matrix.M13 = -sin;
    matrix.M31 = sin;
    matrix.M33 = cos;
    return matrix;

* Create a rotation matrix on Z axis.
* @method createRotationX
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Vector3} rotation An angle in radians
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a rotation matrix on Z axis.
Atlantis.Matrix.createRotationZ = function (rotation) {
    var matrix = this.getMatrixIdentity();

    var cos = Math.cos(rotation);
    var sin = Math.sin(rotation);

    matrix.M11 = cos;
    matrix.M13 = sin;
    matrix.M31 = -sin;
    matrix.M33 = cos;

    return matrix;

* Create a scale matrix.
* @method createScale
* @static
* @param {Number} sx Desired scale on X axis.
* @param {Number} sy Desired scale on Y axis.
* @param {Number} sz Desired scale on Z axis.
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a scale matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.createScale = function (sx, sy, sz) {
    var matrix = Atlantis.Matrix.getMatrixIdentity();
    matrix.M11 = sx;
    matrix.M22 = sy || sx;
    matrix.M33 = sz || sx;
    return matrix;

* Create a translation matrix.
* @method createTranslation
* @static
* @param x Position on X axis.
* @param y Position on Y axis.
* @param z Position on Z axis.
* @return Return a matrix translation.
Atlantis.Matrix.createTranslation = function (x, y, z) {
    var matrix = Atantis.Matrix.getMatrixIdentity();
    matrix.M41 = x;
    matrix.M42 = y || x;
    matrix.M43 = z || x;
    return matrix;

* Create a view matrix.
* @metod createLookAt
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Vector3} position The position of the camera.
* @param Atlantis.Vector3} target The target of the camera.
* @param Atlantis.Vector3} upVector Vector up
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a view camera.
Atlantis.Matrix.createLookAt = function (position, target, upVector) {
    var zAxis = Atlantis.Vector3.subtract(target, position);
    var xAxis = Atlantis.Vector3.cross(upVector, zAxis);
    var yAxis = Atlantis.Vector3.cross(zAxis, xAxis);

    var matrix = Atlantis.Matrix.getMatrixIdentity();

    matrix.M11 = xAxis.x;
    matrix.M21 = xAxis.y;
    matrix.M31 = xAxis.z;

    matrix.M12 = yAxis.x;
    matrix.M22 = yAxis.y;
    matrix.M32 = yAxis.z;

    matrix.M13 = zAxis.x;
    matrix.M23 = zAxis.y;
    matrix.M33 = zAxis.z;

    matrix.M41 = -Atlantis.Vector3.dot(xAxis, position);
    matrix.M42 = -Atlantis.Vector3.dot(yAxis, position);
    matrix.M43 = -Atlantis.Vector3.dot(zAxis, position);

    return matrix;

 * Create an orthogonal projection matrix.
 * @method createOrthograhic
 * @static
 * @param {Number} width
 * @param {Number} height
 * @param {Number} zNear
 * @param {Number} zFar
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix}
Atlantis.Matrix.createOrthographic = function (width, height, zNear, zFar) {
    var matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.M11 = 2.0 / width;
    matrix.M12 = matrix.M13 = matrix.M14 = 0.0;
    matrix.M22 = 2.0 / height;
    matrix.M21 = matrix.M23 = matrix.M24 = 0.0;
    matrix.M33 = 1.0 / (zNear - zFar);
    matrix.M31 = matrix.M32 = matrix.M34 = 0.0;
    matrix.M41 = matrix.M42 = 0.0;
    matrix.M43 = zNear / (zNear - zFar);
    matrix.M44 = 1.0;
    return matrix;

 * Create a customized orthogonal projection matrix.
 * @method createOrthographicOffCenter
 * @static
 * @param {Number} width
 * @param {Number} height
 * @param {Number} zNear
 * @param {Number} zFar
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix}
Atlantis.Matrix.createOrthographicOffCenter = function (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) {
    var matrix = new Atlantis.Matrix();
    matrix.M11 = (2.0 / (right - left));
    matrix.M12 = 0.0;
    matrix.M13 = 0.0;
    matrix.M14 = 0.0;
    matrix.M21 = 0.0;
    matrix.M22 = (2.0 / (top - bottom));
    matrix.M23 = 0.0;
    matrix.M24 = 0.0;
    matrix.M31 = 0.0;
    matrix.M32 = 0.0;
    matrix.M33 = (1.0 / (zNear - zFar));
    matrix.M34 = 0.0;
    matrix.M41 = ((left + right) / (left - right));
    matrix.M42 = ((top + bottom) / (bottom - top));
    matrix.M43 = (zNear / (zNear - zFar));
    matrix.M44 = 1.0;
    return matrix;

 * Create a perspective field of view matrix with Left hand notation.
 * @method createPerspectiveFieldOfView
 * @static
 * @param {Number} fov Desired field of view (Math.PI / 4 is a good value)
 * @param {Number} aspect Desired aspect ratio (Screen width / height)
 * @param {Number} near Near clip
 * @param {Number} far Far clip
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a matrix of this type of perspective.
Atlantis.Matrix.createPerspectiveFieldOfView = function (fov, aspect, zNear, zFar) {
    var yScale = (1.0 / Math.tan(fov * 0.5));
    var xScale = yScale / aspect;
    var halfWidth = zNear / xScale;
    var halfHeight = zNear / yScale;

    return Atlantis.Matrix.createPerspectiveOffCenter(-halfWidth, halfWidth, -halfHeight, halfHeight, zNear, zFar);

 * Create a perspective field of view matrix with Right hand notation.
 * @method createPerspectiveFieldOfViewRH
 * @static
 * @param {Number} fov Desired field of view (Math.PI / 4 is a good value)
 * @param {Number} aspect Desired aspect ratio (Screen width / height)
 * @param {Number} near Near clip
 * @param {Number} far Far clip
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a matrix of this type of perspective.
Atlantis.Matrix.createPerspetiveFieldOfViewRH = function (fov, aspect, zNear, zFar) {
    var yScale = (1.0 / Math.tan(fov * 0.5));
    var xScale = yScale / aspect;
    var halfWidth = zNear / xScale;
    var halfHeight = zNear / yScale;

    return Matrix.createPerspectiveOffCenterRH(-halfWidth, halfWidth, -halfHeight, halfHeight, zNear, zFar);

* Create a custom perspective matrix.
* @method createPerspectiveOffCenter
* @static
* @param {Number} left Minimum X value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} right Maximum X value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} bottom Minimum Y value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} top Maximum Y value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} zNear Minimum Z value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} zFar Maximum Z value of the viewing volume.
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a new custom perspective matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.createPerspectiveOffCenter = function (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) {
    var zRange = zFar / (zFar - zNear);
    var matrix = new Atlantis.Matrix();
    matrix.M11 = 2.0 * zNear / (right - left);
    matrix.M22 = 2.0 * zNear / (top - bottom);
    matrix.M31 = (left + right) / (left - right);
    matrix.M32 = (top + bottom) / (bottom - top);
    matrix.M33 = zRange;
    matrix.M34 = 1.0;
    matrix.M43 = -zNear * zRange;
    return matrix;

* Create a custom perspective matrix (Right hand).
* @method createPerspectiveOffCenter
* @static
* @param {Number} left Minimum X value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} right Maximum X value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} bottom Minimum Y value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} top Maximum Y value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} zNear Minimum Z value of the viewing volume.
* @param {Number} zFar Maximum Z value of the viewing volume.
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a new custom perspective matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.createPerspectiveOffCenterRH = function (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar) {
    var matrix = createPerspectiveOffCenter(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar);
    matrix.M31 *= -1.0;
    matrix.M32 *= -1.0;
    matrix.M33 *= -1.0;
    matrix.M34 *= -1.0;
    return matrix;

 * Invert the current Matrix.
 * @method invert
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.invert = function () {
    var b0 = (this.M31 * this.M42) - (this.M32 * this.M41);
    var b1 = (this.M31 * this.M43) - (this.M33 * this.M41);
    var b2 = (this.M34 * this.M41) - (this.M31 * this.M44);
    var b3 = (this.M32 * this.M43) - (this.M33 * this.M42);
    var b4 = (this.M34 * this.M42) - (this.M32 * this.M44);
    var b5 = (this.M33 * this.M44) - (this.M34 * this.M43);

    var d11 = this.M22 * b5 + this.M23 * b4 + this.M24 * b3;
    var d12 = this.M21 * b5 + this.M23 * b2 + this.M24 * b1;
    var d13 = this.M21 * -b4 + this.M22 * b2 + this.M24 * b0;
    var d14 = this.M21 * b3 + this.M22 * -b1 + this.M23 * b0;

    var det = this.M11 * d11 - this.M12 * d12 + this.M13 * d13 - this.M14 * d14;

    if (Math.abs(det) == 0.0) {

    det = 1.0 / det;

    var a0 = (this.M11 * this.M22) - (this.M12 * this.M21);
    var a1 = (this.M11 * this.M23) - (this.M13 * this.M21);
    var a2 = (this.M14 * this.M21) - (this.M11 * this.M24);
    var a3 = (this.M12 * this.M23) - (this.M13 * this.M22);
    var a4 = (this.M14 * this.M22) - (this.M12 * this.M24);
    var a5 = (this.M13 * this.M24) - (this.M14 * this.M23);

    var d21 = this.M12 * b5 + this.M13 * b4 + this.M14 * b3;
    var d22 = this.M11 * b5 + this.M13 * b2 + this.M14 * b1;
    var d23 = this.M11 * -b4 + this.M12 * b2 + this.M14 * b0;
    var d24 = this.M11 * b3 + this.M12 * -b1 + this.M13 * b0;

    var d31 = this.M42 * a5 + this.M43 * a4 + this.M44 * a3;
    var d32 = this.M41 * a5 + this.M43 * a2 + this.M44 * a1;
    var d33 = this.M41 * -a4 + this.M42 * a2 + this.M44 * a0;
    var d34 = this.M41 * a3 + this.M42 * -a1 + this.M43 * a0;

    var d41 = this.M32 * a5 + this.M33 * a4 + this.M34 * a3;
    var d42 = this.M31 * a5 + this.M33 * a2 + this.M34 * a1;
    var d43 = this.M31 * -a4 + this.M32 * a2 + this.M34 * a0;
    var d44 = this.M31 * a3 + this.M32 * -a1 + this.M33 * a0;

    this.M11 = +d11 * det; this.M12 = -d21 * det; this.M13 = +d31 * det; this.M14 = -d41 * det;
    this.M21 = -d12 * det; this.M22 = +d22 * det; this.M23 = -d32 * det; this.M24 = +d42 * det;
    this.M31 = +d13 * det; this.M32 = -d23 * det; this.M33 = +d33 * det; this.M34 = -d43 * det;
    this.M41 = -d14 * det; this.M42 = +d24 * det; this.M43 = -d34 * det; this.M44 = +d44 * det;

 * Calculate the inverse of the specified matrix.
 * @method invert
 * @static
 * @param matrix The matrix to use.
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return the inverse of the matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.invert = function (matrix) {
    var mat = new Matrix(matrix);
    return mat;

 * Create a world matrix.
 * @method createWorld
 * @static
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} position
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} forward
 * @param {Atlantis.Vector3} upVector
 * @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a world matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.createWorld = function (position, forward, upVector) {
    var matrix = new Atlantis.Matrix();

    var x = Atlantis.Vector3.cross(forward, upVector);
    var y = Atlantis.Vector3.cross(x, forward);
    var z = Atlantis.Vector3.normalize(forward);

    matrix.M44 = 1.0;

    return matrix;

* Multiply this matrix by another matrix.
* @method multiply
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matrix A matrix to multiply.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.multiply = function (matrix) {
    var m11 = (((this.M11 * matrix.M11) + (this.M12 * matrix.M21)) + (this.M13 * matrix.M31)) + (this.M14 * matrix.M41);
    var m12 = (((this.M11 * matrix.M12) + (this.M12 * matrix.M22)) + (this.M13 * matrix.M32)) + (this.M14 * matrix.M42);
    var m13 = (((this.M11 * matrix.M13) + (this.M12 * matrix.M23)) + (this.M13 * matrix.M33)) + (this.M14 * matrix.M43);
    var m14 = (((this.M11 * matrix.M14) + (this.M12 * matrix.M24)) + (this.M13 * matrix.M34)) + (this.M14 * matrix.M44);
    var m21 = (((this.M21 * matrix.M11) + (this.M22 * matrix.M21)) + (this.M23 * matrix.M31)) + (this.M24 * matrix.M41);
    var m22 = (((this.M21 * matrix.M12) + (this.M22 * matrix.M22)) + (this.M23 * matrix.M32)) + (this.M24 * matrix.M42);
    var m23 = (((this.M21 * matrix.M13) + (this.M22 * matrix.M23)) + (this.M23 * matrix.M33)) + (this.M24 * matrix.M43);
    var m24 = (((this.M21 * matrix.M14) + (this.M22 * matrix.M24)) + (this.M23 * matrix.M34)) + (this.M24 * matrix.M44);
    var m31 = (((this.M31 * matrix.M11) + (this.M32 * matrix.M21)) + (this.M33 * matrix.M31)) + (this.M34 * matrix.M41);
    var m32 = (((this.M31 * matrix.M12) + (this.M32 * matrix.M22)) + (this.M33 * matrix.M32)) + (this.M34 * matrix.M42);
    var m33 = (((this.M31 * matrix.M13) + (this.M32 * matrix.M23)) + (this.M33 * matrix.M33)) + (this.M34 * matrix.M43);
    var m34 = (((this.M31 * matrix.M14) + (this.M32 * matrix.M24)) + (this.M33 * matrix.M34)) + (this.M34 * matrix.M44);
    var m41 = (((this.M41 * matrix.M11) + (this.M42 * matrix.M21)) + (this.M43 * matrix.M31)) + (this.M44 * matrix.M41);
    var m42 = (((this.M41 * matrix.M12) + (this.M42 * matrix.M22)) + (this.M43 * matrix.M32)) + (this.M44 * matrix.M42);
    var m43 = (((this.M41 * matrix.M13) + (this.M42 * matrix.M23)) + (this.M43 * matrix.M33)) + (this.M44 * matrix.M43);
    var m44 = (((this.M41 * matrix.M14) + (this.M42 * matrix.M24)) + (this.M43 * matrix.M34)) + (this.M44 * matrix.M44);

    this.M11 = m11;
    this.M12 = m12;
    this.M13 = m13;
    this.M14 = m14;
    this.M21 = m21;
    this.M22 = m22;
    this.M23 = m23;
    this.M24 = m24;
    this.M31 = m31;
    this.M32 = m32;
    this.M33 = m33;
    this.M34 = m34;
    this.M41 = m41;
    this.M42 = m42;
    this.M43 = m43;
    this.M44 = m44;

* Multiply a two matrix.
* @method multiply
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matrixA A matrix.
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matrixB Another matrix.
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matrixC Another matrix (optional).
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a new matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.multiply = function (matrixA, matrixB, matrixC) {
    var matrix = new Atlantis.Matrix(matrixA);

    if (matrixC instanceof Atlantis.Matrix) {

    return matrix;

* Subtract a matrix to this matrix.
* @method subtract
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matrix A matrix to add.
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.subtract = function (matrix) {
    var mValues = this.toArray();
    var eValues = matrix.toArray();

    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        mValues[i] -= eValues[i];

* Subtract two matrix.
* @method subtract
* @static
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matA A matrix.
* @param {Atlantis.Matrix} matB Another matrix to use to subtract with the first matrix.
* @return {Atlantis.Matrix} Return a new matrix.
Atlantis.Matrix.subtract = function (matA, matB) {
    var mat = new Atlantis.Matrix(matA);
    return mat;

 * Gets a string from this object.
 * @method toString
 * @return {String}
Atlantis.Matrix.prototype.toString = function () {
    var values = this.toArray();
    var builder = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {
        builder.push(values[i] + " ");
        builder.push(values[i + 1] + " ");
        builder.push(values[i + 2] + " ");
        builder.push(values[i + 3]);
        builder.push("] ");
    return builder.join("");